La visita del nostre alumnat per les terres txeques ha arribat a la fi.

Ha estat una estada molt intensa on han pogut gaudir i compartir de la seua cultura, patrimoni i gastronomia.
S' acomiaden de les famílies i tornen cap a Oliva amb el record d’una gran experiència. Moltes gràcies a totes les famílies i al centre Gymnásium Zlin-Lesní čtvrt’, especialment a Iva i Eva.
Esperem retrobar-nos prompte a Oliva.

Our students visit of Czech territory has come to an end.

Although it has been an intense experience, the participants have been able to enjoy and share their culture, heritage and gastronomy. They say farewell to the hosting families and return to Oliva with the memory of a great experience. We would like to thank all the families at Gymnásium Zlin-Lesní čtvrt, specially Iva and Eva.

We hope we can meet again soon in Oliva!


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