El matí ha començat al trinquet o l'alumnat txec ha pogut conéixer i practicar la pilota valenciana de la mà de Damien Martínez. Seguidament, han participat en un taller de filosofia d'alló més engegador i han acabat la jornada en un taller de plantes medicinals organitzat per Toni Orengo on no sols han elaborat oli amb herbes sinó que també han fet una crema de mans, productes de la terra que viatjaran demà cap a Txèquia per a gaudir-los a casa seua.
The morning has begun in the trinquet where the Czech students have been able to learn about and practise the Valencian pelota by the hand of Damien Martínez. Then, they have participated in a thought provoking philosophy workshop. Finally, the day has ended in a workshop of medicinal plants organized by Toni Orengo where they have not only made oil with herbs but have also made a hand cream. These handmade local products will travel to the Czech Republic tomorrow to be enjoyed back home.
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