A Zlin no parem!
L’ alumnat ha treballat junt als seus companys i companyes txecs els diferents temes que s’han vist al llarg de la setmana. Ho han fet genial!!
Després han visitat el Museu Bata i la seua torre. Empresa dedicada a la fabricació del calçat, la qual va ser la major productora de calçat al mon cap a l’ any 1930.
El dia ha acabat amb una festa d’acomiadament molt divertida.
Our students have worked hand-in-hand with their Czech partners all the different topics they have been exposed to throughout the week. They have done a great job!
Then, they have visited the Bata Museum and its tower. This shoe company was the biggest shoe-making company in the world in 1930.
Then, the students celebrated a farewell party that was fun for every one!
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