L'alumnat seleccionat per a les mobilitats Erasmus+ en Educació Escolar prepara la seua visita a República Txeca, Polònia i Noruega respectivament. Una vegada en el país d'acollida a banda de participar en les activitats dissenyades per a aconseguir els objectius del nostre Pla Erasmus+, donaran a conéixer el nostre centre, cultura i patrimoni mitjançant presentacions.
Tots i totes esperen emocionats el moment de viatjar i començar la seua aventura Erasmus+!
Tots i totes esperen emocionats el moment de viatjar i començar la seua aventura Erasmus+!
The students selected for the Erasmus+ mobilities within the School Education programme are preparing their respective visits to the Czech Republic, Poland and Norway. They are travelling to these three destinations with the objective to reach the goals of our Erasmus Plan by taking part in a variety of activities designed in their Learning Programmes. Also, they will boost the internationalisation of our school but giving their counterparts a presentation on our school, culture and heritage.
They can't wait to set out on their respective adventures!
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