Visiting our National Park

L'alumnat d'Oliva i Hamar van poder gaudir ahir de la reserva natural Marjal Pego-Oliva de la mà de l'alumnat de primer del CFGM de Guia del Medi Natural i de Temps Lliure i el seu professorat. Amb la companyia d'aquest equip d'experts van conéixer l' ecosistema de la nostra Marjal. Després van poder refrescar-se a les aigües termals de la Font Salada i compartir una estona de relaxament junts. 

Our Norwegian and Spanish students enjoyed an outing to our local natural park, "La Marjal Pego-Oliva" ) thanks to our students and teacher from the PE Vocational Training Course. Together with this group they rode around the wetland  and were able to discover its particular ecosystem.  Later, they were able to enjoy a swim at the "Font Salada". A thermal spring in the heart of the National Park. 


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